
Emergency room

16-Bed Hospital

Boutique Hospital 16-Bed Unit with Telehealth, Emergency, Surgery, Mental Health and Mother and Child Health.

20-Bed Hospital

Boutique Hospital 20-Bed Unit with Telehealth, Emergency, Surgery, Mental Health and Mother and Child Health.

20 bed plans w800
Emergency room 02

Multi-Bed Hospital

Boutique Hospital Multi-Bed Unit with Telehealth, Emergency, Surgery, Mental Health and Mother and Child Health.

Emergency Disaster Response

Emergency Disaster Response / Hospital / Shelter / Supplies 100 - 30,000 Individuals: Pneumatic shelters, Generators,and more.

Exclusive Field Tough Medical Surgical Lighting w800

Military Hospital

Hospital 16-Bed Unit with Telehealth, Emergency, Surgery, Mental Health and Mother and Child Health.

ER Clinic

Boutique Hospital 20-Bed Unit with Telehealth, Emergency, Surgery, Mental Health and Mother and Child Health.